New vSAN migration guide available!

New vSAN migration guide available!

New vSAN migration guide available!

Due to the number and variety of customers interested in, and indeed, deploying vSAN – questions come up all the time to do with migrations from existing infrastructures to a new one running on VMware vSAN, some of these are trivial, while others take a little planning. To make your migration journey to vSAN more The post New vSAN migration guide available! appeared first on Virtual Blocks .

VMware Social Media Advocacy

What’s new for vSAN 6.6?

What’s new for vSAN 6.6? []

What’s new for vSAN 6.6?

Yes this may confuse you a bit, a new vSAN release namely vSAN 6.6 but it doesn’t coincide with a vSphere release. That is right, this is a “patch” release for vSphere but a major version for vSAN! It seems like yesterday that we announced 6.2 with Stretched Clustering and 6.5 with iSCSI and 2-Node Direct Connect. vSAN 6.6 brings some exciting new functionality and a whole bunch of improvements. Note that there were already various performance enhancements introduced in vSphere 6.0 Update 3 for vSAN 6.2. Anyway, what’s new for vSAN 6.6?

VMware Social Media Advocacy

SuperMicro vs Intel NUC

The debate between Homelaber’s recently has been SuperMicro vs Intel NUC.  Both have pros and cons attached with them.  I personally went with the Intel NUC for my homelab creating a single node vSAN.  The article below gives a great run down of both systems for the homelab.

SuperMicro vs Intel NUC

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to William Lam ( and Alan Renouf ( about their exciting USB to SDDC demonstration, they were using an Intel NUC to deploy a VMware SDDC environment to a single node using VSAN. I offered them the opportunity to test out the same capability with one of my SuperMicro E200-8D servers and they took me up on the opportunity. Since then I have been approached by a number of people with requests for information about why I chose to go with the SuperMicro E200 for my home lab over the Intel NUC. I’ve never written a blog before but I thought this might be a good way to “cut out the middle man” so to speak. So here it goes, my reasons for why I chose the…Read More

VMware Social Media Advocacy

VMware VSAN: When good enough more than passes the muster

VMware VSAN: When good enough more than passes muster (via The Register)

VMware VSAN: When good enough more than passes the muster

Last week I attended SFD9 and the last session of the week was with VMware about VSAN 6.2. This is not a review of the product or an analysis about single features; there are plenty of them already. Instead I’ll talk about what a product like VSAN 6.2 means for the entire SDS/HCI market.

VMware Social Media Advocacy